Curiously the same…

I’m not sure I remember how to post to this.  It’s been 3 years and a week since I was last here. Looking through what I posted before I am struck by the sameness between what I wrote then and how I feel now.

Sorry to you whose eyes fall on this, because I don’t have anything new to say.  It’s not that nothing new has happened.  It’s just that whatever happens always seems to lead me back to the same worn paths in my feelings and thoughts.

I am dull.

Today (it is what it is)

I looked at the post from yesterday and wonder at how inane it was.  It gave the appearance of someone too eager to say something but who really didn’t have anything to say.  Well, I won’t delete it for now.  Nobody’s watching anyway.

I remember when I was a child sitting in the back of my parents’ car thinking about how can I be in two places–one at each different time.  “How can that be?” I think I said to myself.  Pretty bizarre for a child (or anyone I guess).  I was thinking about either somewhere I was going or somewhere I had been–I don’t remember which–and I wondered that I could be that future (or past) person and also this present person.

This harks back to the March 27 post.

I note that I mentioned the “unreality of time.”  Since then I found out there was actually a book by that title written some years ago.  I did not intentionally cite its title for my own use.  Consider it an idea, not just a title.

I remember coming across a book once, written in the mid-1800’s, in which some previous owner had written something on the title page and ended by saying something like “this is here when I am dead.”  Pretty philosophical.  And of course given my nature it got me to thinking.

That’s all for the moment….